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2023-10-04 01:40

Welcome to the dynamic world of forex trading, where strategies range from conservative to adventurous. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll thoroughly explore the concept of scalping in forex trading. How does scalping work? Picture this: you're at the racetrack, and you want to bet on horses. Instead of putting all your money on one horse for a long race, you're making quick bets on different horses in rapid succession, hoping they'll win by a nose. That's exactly how scalping works in forex trading. The mechanics of scalping To master the art of scalping, you must grasp these key principles and techniques: Small profits, high frequency: Scalpers aim for modest gains on each trade but execute a substantial volume of trades daily. These incremental profits accumulate over time, potentially leading to significant returns. Swift trade execution: Scalpers swiftly enter and exit positions while meticulously monitoring price charts for short-term trends that align with their strategy. Tight risk management: To mitigate risk, scalpers often employ tight stop-loss orders. These pre-set orders automatically exit a trade if market conditions move against them, thus limiting potential losses. Need for speed: Scalping demands quick decision-making and constant market monitoring. Traders must maintain a reliable internet connection and access real-time market data. Advantages of scalping Swift profits: Scalping offers the potential for rapid returns, making it an attractive choice for traders seeking short-term gains. Reduced overnight exposure: Scalpers typically exit positions before the market closes, minimizing exposure to overnight risks, such as gap openings. Enhanced trading discipline: Scalping demands precision and a keen focus on market movements. Traders develop expertise in interpreting charts and identifying short-term trends. Utilization of liquidity: Scalping thrives in highly liquid currency pairs, where there is ample liquidity, minimizing the risk of slippage. Challenges of scalping Heightened transaction costs: Frequent trading translates to increased transaction costs, including spreads and commissions, which can impact overall profitability. Intensive psychological demands: Scalping can be mentally and emotionally demanding due to the need for constant chart monitoring and rapid decision-making. Small profit margins per trade: Scalpers aim for modest profits on each trade, necessitating a high win rate to remain consistently profitable. Navigating market noise: Short-term price movements can be influenced by market noise, making it challenging to accurately predict trends. Conclusion Scalping in forex trading is akin to riding the front seat of a high-speed roller coaster at an amusement park. It's thrilling, fast-paced, and can set your adrenaline pumping. However, like any roller coaster ride, there are highs and lows. To succeed in scalping, you need a well-structured plan, discipline, and a touch of luck. Forex trading is an adventure, and scalping is just one of the exhilarating rides in the park. Enjoy the journey, but always remember to play it safe! Join our VCPlus newsgroup to receive the latest daily market updates. Click this link and send ”Add me” to us to join the newsgroup. Download the VCPlus app and sign up for a free trading account today! Link for iOS Link for Android


2023-09-26 07:30

As experienced traders, it is imperative that we maintain a heightened sensitivity to frequently reported news. We must also possess a deep understanding of the chain reactions that this news may trigger and the ultimate outcomes it might lead to. Traders should be adept at predicting potential events in advance, identifying events with a higher probability of occurring, and then selecting appropriate trading strategies based on their judgment to ultimately profit from these trades. In the case study below, we will examine the "recent increase in oil prices" to illustrate how to handle and analyze news or events. This information serves as a crucial foundation for comprehending market trends and ascertaining whether there are any trading opportunities to exploit within it. Source: Reuters On September 5th, when Saudi Arabia and Russia announced an extension of production cuts until the end of the year, oil prices surged. In fact, as early as May and July of this year, Saudi Arabia had repeatedly reduced production, ensuring that oil prices would not decline significantly. Although during this period, the United States and other Western-allied countries requested OPEC+ to increase production to ensure lower energy costs and stimulate the global economy, OPEC+ claimed that they were taking proactive measures to maintain market stability. Source: VC Plus Now, let's take a look at the trend of oil prices over the past year. Since OPEC+ announced production cuts, oil prices have been on the rise and have successfully established a support level of approximately $66.2 USD. Especially after the recent announcement of an extension of production cuts, oil prices have come close to $90 USD, seemingly attempting to break through this resistance level. Today, some analysts even predict that oil prices may rise above $100 USD. Now, we must approach the analysis from the perspective of oil prices and start examining the trends. The increase in oil prices, of course, has the most significant impact on inflation. As is well known, the Federal Reserve has been committed to combating high inflation since last year. Therefore, the rise in oil prices is naturally unfavorable for inflation in the United States and may affect the results of the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation over the past two years. In the recently announced August inflation data, there seem to be signs of a resurgence in inflation. Therefore, during a FOMC press conference, Jerome Powell also displayed unusually hawkish remarks, stating that as long as inflation hasn't reached the target of 2%, the Federal Reserve may consider raising interest rates. Now, with this information in mind, let's consider the chain of events: rising oil prices will lead to inflation, and in turn, inflation will prompt the Federal Reserve to continue raising interest rates. So, what happens after the interest rate hikes? If the United States continues to raise interest rates, it will drive the appreciation of the U.S. dollar. This is because when interest rates rise, U.S. bank deposits become more attractive compared to those in other countries (due to higher interest returns). This will lead people worldwide to have a greater willingness to exchange their currencies for U.S. dollars and deposit them in U.S. bank accounts to earn higher interest rates. The appreciation of the U.S. dollar, in turn, will result in a decline in the U.S. stock market. This happens for two primary reasons: For individuals looking to buy stocks, they must exchange their domestic currency for the appreciating U.S. dollar, effectively reducing the purchasing power of foreign investors in U.S. stocks. Consequently, investor willingness and ability to purchase U.S. stocks decrease. The increase in risk-free interest rates caused by interest rate hikes makes investors less willing to take on higher-risk investments. When an investor can achieve a 5.5% return in a risk-free fixed deposit, they are less inclined to engage in high-risk investments. As a result, the ultimate outcome is a decline in the stock market. Of course, factors contributing to the stock market's decline include not only the appreciation of the U.S. dollar but also the drop in future profits for publicly traded companies due to inflation, which is expected to prompt investors to exit prematurely. This will be one of the reasons for the decline in U.S. stocks. So, we rely solely on certain information sources (news, the U.S. CPI report, and the Federal Reserve press conferences) to deduce how the increase in oil prices eventually leads to the decline in the U.S. stock market. Within these deductions, we also identify several tradable assets, namely crude oil, the U.S. dollar index, and U.S. stock market indices. Therefore, once you learn how to deduce the unfolding of events, you can identify high-probability trading opportunities from them. Certainly, traders must also possess a fundamental understanding of economics and finance. Conclusion In conclusion, let's simplify the entire deduction process: Rise in crude oil prices > Global inflation increases > If U.S. inflation rebounds, they will take extreme measures to suppress it > U.S. continues to raise interest rates to curb inflation > U.S. dollar appreciates > U.S. stocks decline due to (1) U.S. dollar appreciation increasing conversion costs, reducing the willingness of foreign investors to invest, (2) the increase in risk-free interest rates caused by interest rate hikes makes investors less willing to take on higher-risk investments, and (3) inflation increases, leading to a decline in investors' expectations of future profits and a decrease in investment willingness. Indeed, the main focus of this article is the deduction process. The deduction shown above is a very limited prediction, but if you grasp the logic of this deduction, you can extend it to predict a broader range of impacts, thereby increasing the probability of accurate forecasts and, consequently, the success rate of trades. Do you still not have any account to start your trade? Download the VCPlus app and sign up for a free trading account today! Link for iOS Link for Android Disclaimer: This information does not represent a BUY or SELL recommendation on the stock covered. Traders and Investors are encouraged to do their own analysis on stocks instead of blindly following any Trading calls raised by various parties on the Internet.


2023-09-19 08:14

Grasping essential economic indicators like the Consumer Price Index (CPI) can make a significant difference in your trading journey. In this blog post, we'll break down what CPI is, why it's crucial in Forex, and how you can use it to your advantage. What's CPI? Think of CPI, or the Consumer Price Index, as a tool that measures how prices change over time for everyday things we buy, like groceries, rent, or a cup of coffee. It's like a financial weather forecast for the economy, helping us understand if prices are going up or down. The shopping basket: To calculate CPI, experts gather a "shopping basket" filled with items people typically purchase. They monitor the prices of these items over time. If the total cost of the basket rises, it signals rising inflation. If it falls, it could be a sign of deflation. CPI is usually updated every month or quarter to stay relevant to our changing spending habits. CPI - The two versions: There are two main versions of CPI to know about: 1. Core CPI: This version excludes items with volatile price swings, like food and energy. It focuses on the more stable inflation trend. 2. Headline CPI: This one includes everything in the basket, even those unpredictable items. It gives us the overall picture of what's happening with prices. Why CPI matters in forex trading: 1. Economic health check: CPI provides insight into a country's economic health. When it goes up, it suggests inflation, which can weaken a currency's purchasing power. When it falls, it might signal deflation, which isn't great for economic growth. 2. Central bank actions: Central banks closely monitor CPI. If it rises too fast, they might raise interest rates to combat inflation, which can strengthen the currency. If CPI falls below target, they may lower rates to stimulate the economy, which can weaken the currency. 3. Forex market impact: CPI data releases can cause significant market movements. Traders closely watch CPI reports, with higher-than-expected CPI boosting a currency and lower-than-expected CPI lowering it. 4. Risk management: Smart traders use CPI data as part of their risk management strategy. They're prepared for market volatility around CPI releases and adjust their trading plans accordingly. How to Make CPI Work for You in Forex: 1. Mark your calendar: Keep an eye on economic calendars to know when CPI data will be released. These dates are pivotal for Forex traders. 2. Spot trends: Pay attention to CPI trends over time. If you see it steadily going up or down, it can give you insights into a country's economic direction. 3. Currency connections: Identify correlations between currencies and CPI. Understanding these links helps predict how a currency pair might react when CPI is in the spotlight. 4. Safety measures: Be ready for market swings around CPI releases. Adjust your trading strategy, adapt position sizes, and use risk management tools like stop-loss orders to stay safe. Conclusion: You've just unlocked the mystery of CPI in Forex, and it's simpler than you might think. It's a tool that can help you navigate Forex markets with more confidence. Remember, CPI is just one piece of the puzzle, but knowing how to use it can be a valuable asset for your trading toolbox! Join our VCPlus newsgroup to receive the latest daily market updates. Click this link and send ”Add me” to us to join the newsgroup. Download the VCPlus app and sign up for a free trading account today! Link for iOS Link for Android


2023-09-12 01:19

交易市场的波动是瞬息万变的,所以作为一个合格的交易者,我们必须能够从一个蜡烛图中快速找出支撑、阻力以及趋势图形。有了这三个要素,我们就能通过不同的图形来分析并寻找出最合适的策略。在这篇文章中,我们只会专注讲解支撑、阻力以及趋势,其他的技术指标一概不会出现。 找寻支撑位 技术指标实际上是基于大众的预期进行推测的。例如,如果你注意到一个蜡烛图每次接近特定的价位都会发生反弹,那么这个价位就会形成一个支撑点。这是因为多数人相信只要价格接近那个价位,它就会反弹,所以许多人都会在那个价位开始做多。因此,只要有更多的人相信,那个价位的支撑就会更强。 下面我们会使用几个例子来找寻支撑位: 图片来源:VCPLUS 在 EURGBP 的历史蜡烛图走势中,我们观察到每次接近0.85754附近的价位时,价格通常都会开始反弹。这种现象出现的次数相当多,因此大多数交易员都会对此形成预期,即一旦价格接近这个价位,他们认为价格会反弹,因此选择做多。当有大量交易者在这个价位附近做多时,很难让价格跌破支撑位,因为有很多人在试图维持价格稳定,这也被称为"护盘"。这个例子描述了一个平行支撑位。 支撑位的图形多种多样,以下是一个上升支撑位的示例。 图片来源:VCPLUS AUDNZD 形成了一个上升支撑点,即每次出现大幅下跌后的反弹价位。这些价位可以连接成一条趋势线,如果趋势线是上升的,那么这就成为了上升支撑点;反之,如果趋势线是下降的,就成为了下降支撑点。 寻找阻力位 寻找阻力位的底层逻辑与寻找支撑位类似,唯一不同的是支撑位是根据大众的预做多点形成的,而阻力位则是根据大众的预期做空点形成的。 以下是一个平行阻力位的例子: 图片来源:VCPLUS 上述例子中的EURNZD是一个非常典型的阻力位,每当价格接近1.82836的价位时,价格通常会出现回调。尽管可能偶尔突破这个价位,但后续的多军力量不足,最终导致价格跌破1.82836。让我们用回同一个逻辑来解释,在相同价位经历了几次回调之后,大众的心理预期就锚定了这个价位属于回调区域,也就是抵达这个价位就会开始下跌,抱着这样的预期每当升到那个区间,交易者就会开始做空,所以阻力就会变得难以突破。 除了平行阻力位,当然也有上升阻力位以及下降阻力位: 图片来源:VCPLUS 尝试着把回调点连起来,就会得到一个下降阻力位 (连得越漂亮,所表达的内容就越清楚)。然后就会发现大部分时间的价格走势都是位于阻力线之下。 如何从支撑位与阻力位中确定趋势图形 现在我们要如何确定趋势图形呢?答案很简单,就是把上面所学的 ”寻找支撑位“和”寻找阻力位“在同一个图表中画出来,这样一来一个基本的图形就会产生了,然后我们就能从图形中看出趋势再决定接下来的操作。(同理,图形越是漂亮,所呈现的内容就越是确定) 当图形呈现时,我们将看到三种情况:(1)盘整趋势图形;(2)上升趋势图形;(3)下跌趋势图形 盘整趋势图形 图片来源:VCPLUS 上述例子,是以以平行支撑位与平行阻力位所形成得一个平行轨道,然后可以发现股价得波动就只会发生在这个区域内直到这个图形被破坏为止。价格在一个区域内横行波动的这种趋势我们就会称为盘整,通常这类情况是因为走势还没明确的方向,所以多空双方也属于势均力敌。这状况会一直持续到当价格跌破或是升破这个区域内,并且让前支撑位变为新阻力位 (当跌破区域)或是让前阻力位变为新支撑位(当冲破区域),这时就得重新画上支撑位/阻力位,重新寻找趋势图形。 上升趋势图形 图片来源:VCPLUS 当谈到AUDCAD的情况时,我们使用了上升支撑位和上升阻力位的结合,形成了一条上升轨道的图形。从图形的角度来看,尽管股价仍然在通道内波动,但由于通道自身是向上的,价格也会随着通道的上升而上升。这种图形非常适合做多操作,因为在支撑位附近的任何买入点都是不错的进场机会。重要的是要牢记,图形的价值在于它可以帮助我们预测价格走势,只要价格保持在图形范围内,就很有可能按照我们的预期发展。但一旦图形被突破,就必须及时出场。因此,在支撑位附近下单时,建议设置一个止损,以限制潜在的损失,最大程度地降低风险。 下降趋势图形 图片来源:VCPLUS 上面所示的EURCAD下跌轨道是通过下跌支撑位与下跌阻力位的结合而形成的。与上升趋势图形不同,下跌趋势图形需要反向操作。因此,在面对下跌趋势图形时,通常会选择在阻力位附近开启做空仓位,并在上方设置止损,以控制已知范围内的潜在损失。 以上所分享的内容涉及在特定的图形走势中寻找波段,并在波段触及阻力/支撑水平时进行短线交易以获取利润。当然,您还可以考虑添加额外的技术指标以提高成功率,比如使用交易量来评估后续趋势的力量是否足够,或者使用趋势线指标(如EMA或SMA)来确定反转趋势的成功概率。 既然你已经阅读完文章,当然需要实践一下自己的图表技巧。理论固然重要,但是实际的操作才能让你本身累积经验。不过你不必担心,VCPLUS提供了模拟交易的Demo账号,用户可以在Demo账号上绘制图表,然后使用虚拟账户进行交易。这样,你不仅可以练习图表绘制技能,还可以实际操作这一简单策略。 还在犹豫什么?赶紧点击注册,然后开设一个Demo账号开始操作吧!


2023-09-07 01:12

What type of news will affect Forex price in 2023? The world of forex trading may seem complex, but one of its most fascinating aspects is how news and events can shake things up. Think of them as the engines behind the currency market, making prices rise and fall. Let's break down the different types of news and see how they affect forex trading in simple terms. 1. Economic Indicators: The Economy's Vital Signs These indicators are numbers that reveal a country's economic health. Things like GDP (Gross Domestic Product), job reports, inflation rates, and retail sales figures are on the list. When these numbers come out, they can push currency values up or down. Good numbers often make a currency stronger, while bad ones can weaken it. 2. Central Banks Central banks, like the Federal Reserve in the USA or the European Central Bank, are like the referees of the currency game. They decide on interest rates and announce their future plans. When they raise rates, it's like giving a currency a boost. But when they lower rates or hint at doing so, the opposite happens. 3. Politics and Tensions: Drama in the Forex World Politics isn't just for politicians; it's a big player in forex too. Elections, referendums, and international tensions can make currency values jump. Imagine a surprise election result causing a stir in the currency market – it happens! 4. Trade Talks International trade deals, tariffs, and disputes between countries can be in the spotlight. For example, news about how the US and China are getting along can sway forex markets, especially their currencies. 5. Emotions Matter: Fear and Confidence Sometimes, it's not just numbers but feelings that move markets. Panic or confidence can make traders rush to buy or sell, affecting currency prices. Geopolitical crises can make people seek refuge in safe-haven currencies, like the US dollar or Swiss franc. 6. Nature's Role: Disasters and Health Crises Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, or health crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, aren't just headlines. They can disrupt economies and impact currency values too. 7. Commodities Count: Gold, Oil, and More Countries tied to commodities, like Australia and Canada, are closely linked to commodity prices. So, if gold or oil prices swing, their currencies may go along for the ride. 8. Trader Tactics Lastly, traders themselves can sometimes influence currency prices. They might react to rumors, and technical patterns, or simply follow the crowd. This can lead to short-term price changes, which may or may not be based on solid economic reasons. Verdict In the forex world, news is like the spark that ignites the fire. It sets off reactions that move currency prices, creating opportunities for traders. To stay in the know, traders use tools like economic calendars and news feeds. So, the next time you hear about a major news event, remember, it's not just a headline – it's a potential game-changer in the world of forex trading! Join our VCPlus newsgroup to receive the latest daily market updates. Click this link and send ”Add me” to us to join the newsgroup. Download the VCPlus app and sign up for a free trading account today! Link for iOS Link for Android


2023-08-30 07:39

As is well known, the US Dollar is the most widely held reserve currency globally. However, interestingly, on the list of world currency values, the US Dollar ranks only eighth. This might come as a surprise. So, which currencies actually occupy the top seven positions on this list? The first four currencies might be relatively unfamiliar. The first is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD). Many people are not very familiar with Kuwait, which is actually a Middle Eastern country located in the Gulf region. This country lacks significant industrial activities and primarily relies on oil and natural gas as its main economic resources. Despite relying solely on oil and natural gas, Kuwait has become a well-known wealthy nation worldwide. The currency of Kuwait is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD), and 1 KWD can be exchanged for 3.24 USD or MYR 15.09. The second is the Bahraini Dinar (BHD). The Bahraini Dinar (BHD) is the currency of Bahrain, a small island nation located off the western coast of the Persian Gulf. The Kingdom of Bahrain is rich in oil resources, making oil a cornerstone of its economy. Moreover, its financial and construction sectors are highly developed. This currency is mainly used within Bahrain. 1 BHD can be exchanged for 2.65 USD or MYR 12.34. The third is the Omani Rial (OMR). Oman, also known as the Sultanate of Oman, is situated in the southeastern coastal region of the Arabian Peninsula. It is one of the historically significant nations in this area. Thanks to its advantageous coastal geography, Oman has maintained a stable level of economic development. About 40% of its population earns a living through agriculture, fishing, and livestock farming, contributing to the country's relative prosperity. Currently, 1 OMR is approximately exchangeable for 2.60 USD or MYR 12.08. The fourth is the Jordanian Dinar (JOD). Jordan, also an Arab nation, is not particularly economically developed compared to the oil-rich countries in its vicinity. Its oil reserves are not as abundant. Nevertheless, in comparison to many other countries, Jordan can be considered relatively prosperous. In the past, the Jordanian Dinar held a similar status as the US Dollar, but this changed with social fluctuations. 1 JOD is equivalent to 1.41 USD or MYR 6.57. The fifth is the British Pound (GBP). The United Kingdom was once a global superpower and held a dominant position in the international financial sector. Even today, the British Pound (GBP) remains one of the eight major currencies widely used in international settlements and pricing. While the British Empire no longer exists, the significant status of the British Pound in the financial industry cannot be overlooked. 1 GBP is equivalent to 1.26 USD or MYR 5.87. The sixth is the Swiss Franc (CHF). When mentioning Switzerland, people often think of the prestigious watch brand Rolex and the highly secure banking system. However, apart from these aspects, the Swiss Franc (CHF) also plays a significant role in the international foreign exchange market and is considered a strong currency. The Swiss Franc is also one of the eight major currencies worldwide. 1 CHF exchanges for 1.13 US Dollars or MYR 5.72. The seventh is the Euro (EUR). The Euro is managed and issued by the European Central Bank (ECB) and serves as the common currency for 19 countries within the European Union (EU). It is also one of the eight major currencies worldwide, making it highly liquid and valuable. Currently, 1 EUR is equivalent to 1.08 USD, and it's also equal to MYR 5.04. The eighth is the US Dollar (USD). As the current global superpower, the US Dollar is undoubtedly the most powerful and widely accepted hard currency. Virtually all countries are willing to use the US Dollar as a medium of exchange, showcasing its immense strength. The US Dollar is not only the most widely held reserve currency in the world but also one of the eight major currencies worldwide. Despite not having the highest value, its dominance and influence are unrivaled. 1 USD is equivalent to MYR 4.65. Good news: Join in before it's too late! Don't miss this special offer! Boost your trading power and explore new opportunities Join now and let's celebrate National Day together. - Duration: 1st August 2023 - 31st August 2023 - The 31% rebate will be given in the form of USD$155 cashback in the trading account - T&C apply VC Plus is a true one-stop web platform for you to trade currencies, commodities & more! No mobile apps are required! Hurry and clickhere to open your account now!