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2023-08-23 05:05

The Story of the "Loonie": How Canada's Dollar Got Its Cute Nickname In the exciting world of global currencies, each coin and bill has a unique tale to tell. Today, let's dive into the fascinating history behind Canada's dollar and its adorable nickname – the "loonie." Join us to discover how a simple coin became a symbol of Canadian charm, all thanks to a special bird. Meet the "Loonie": Imagine a serene Canadian lake, reflecting the warm hues of the sunset, and the distinct call of a loon echoing across the water. The loon, with its striking black and white appearance, is more than just a bird – it's a Canadian icon. In 1987, Canada introduced a new one-dollar coin featuring the loon on one side. This coin became known as the "Canadian One Dollar Coin," affectionately nicknamed the "loonie." The Look of the Loonie: The design of the loonie showcases a graceful loon gliding on water. Against the coin's golden background, the loon's elegance stands out, creating a small masterpiece that captures Canada's natural beauty. Fun Facts to Delight Curious Minds: Meet the "Toonie": Following the success of the loonie, Canada introduced the "toonie" – a two-dollar coin. The name is a blend of "two" and "loonie," creating a catchy name for this coin. Olympic Celebration: During the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the loonie played a special role. Commemorative versions of the coin were minted to celebrate the games, featuring various Olympic sports. A Collector's Dream: Over time, the Royal Canadian Mint released limited-edition loonies with unique designs, celebrating everything from historical events to cultural festivities. These special releases are treasured possessions for coin collectors. More Than Money: A Reflection of Canada's Identity: The loonie isn't just currency; it reflects Canada's values and identity. It's a reminder of the country's stunning landscapes, its dedication to wildlife preservation, and the perfect blend of tradition and modernity that defines Canada. The "Loonie" – A Tale of Charm and Heritage: And there you have it – the heartwarming story of the "loonie." It's not just a coin; it's a connection to Canada's natural beauty and the lovable loon. The next time you hold a loonie, take a moment to appreciate the story it carries – a story as rich and diverse as Canada's landscapes. Just like every coin, there's a narrative waiting to be explored, and the "loonie" is no exception. Don't miss this special offer! Boost your trading power and explore new opportunities Join now and let's celebrate National Day together. - Duration: 1st August 2023 - 31st August 2023 - The 31% rebate will be given in the form of USD$155 cashback in the trading account - T&C apply *VC Plus is a true one-stop web platform for you to trade currencies, commodities & more! No mobile apps are required! VC Plus platform now offers a Demo account so that all users can familiarize themselves with platform operations and try out different trading strategies before engaging in live trading. Hurry and click here to open your Demo account now! Facebook: VC-Plus Instagram: vc_plus


2023-08-16 02:12

外汇市场的历史悠久,所以除了一些非常专业的知识以外,其中也藏着一些鲜为人知的冷知识。今天就让我们抛开那些乏味的外汇专业知识,转而探索一些不为人知的冷知识吧! 1. 能从外汇中赚钱的人凤毛麟角 外汇市场是一个极度复杂的市场,每一笔成交都代表着背后操作人的情绪,因此外汇市场是由成千上万的情绪所反映出来的市场。根据Contentworks和外汇交易统计数据的研究显示,有73% - 95%的外汇交易者处于亏损状态,只有5% - 10%的外汇交易者处于盈利状态。因此,学习外汇交易是一条漫长且需要持续努力的道路。如果您想要学习更多金融相关知识,您可以点击MQ Event查看您感兴趣的内容,然后点击报名参加。 2. 外汇界大地震 - 被市场抛弃的货币 实际上,外汇市场的日内震动幅度比我们想象中要低,平均每日波动大约在0.7% - 1.5%之间。因此,外汇交易主要需要依靠杠杆来获得盈利。然而,有一个货币却创下了历史上最严重的货币波动记录,那就是津巴布韦元。在2008年6月,该国的年度通货膨胀率飙升至2.31亿%。到2008年11月中旬,这一数字达到了顶峰,几乎超过了800亿%,官方甚至放弃了对月度通货膨胀的统计。一年后,津巴布韦元对美元的汇率高达35千万亿:1,迫使津巴布韦放弃了使用本国货币。 3. 全世界最大的外汇交易市场不是美国 什么?全球最大的外汇交易市场实际上并不在美国。尽管美国一直以货币霸主的身份作为全球最大的外汇储备货币,但全球最大的外汇交易市场位于英国伦敦。根据2022年的数据,约有38.1%的外汇交易在伦敦完成。作为最大的货币交易市场,伦敦平均每天的交易额约为7万亿美元。而美国则位居第二,占比约为19%,而新加坡以约9%的市场份额排名第三。 4. 布雷森体系的结束开启了现代外汇交易时代 布雷顿森林体系就是将美元与黄金固定挂钩,黄金作为支撑使得美元成为有价值的货币,并具备与成员国货币挂钩的资格。然而,这个体系一直持续到1973年,在那之后市场摒弃了固定汇率和法定汇率限制的浮动机制,全面浮动汇率的出现奠定了现代外汇交易的时代。 5. 外汇市场不间断的游戏 由于时差问题,一个外汇市场的闭市时间恰好是另一个外汇市场的开市时间,因此外汇市场实现了24小时不间断的开放。如果您想更深入了解这些外汇市场的交替逻辑,可以点击阅读这篇文章。 6. 英镑是人类历史上首个完成国际化的纸质主权货币 在英镑成为货币霸权之前,全世界的硬通货只有黄金与白银。在英国实行“殖民经济”并将工业引入各个殖民地之后,英镑开始取代黄金,成为人类历史上第一个国际通用的纸质主权货币。然而,随着第一次世界大战的爆发,英国的国力开始减弱,英镑霸权也逐渐衰退。因此,英镑成为霸权的时期并没有持续太长时间。 7. 全球外汇日内交易量的体量有多大? 根据国际清算银行截至2022年4月的调查显示,外汇市场的平均日交易量高达7.5兆美元。这个数额足以购买2.5家苹果公司(苹果是世界市值最大的公司),或者足以收购美国市值最大的三巨头公司——苹果、微软和谷歌,甚至还能剩下超过6千亿美元。 了解了以上的知识点,是否对于外汇市场有了不一样的认识呢? 如果你也知道一些不为人知的外汇冷知识,也欢迎你留言让我们知道。 好消息!!! 为庆祝马来西亚国庆日,VC Plus 特别推出了2023国庆特别优惠活动:只要您入金满500美元,即可获得31%的赠金。 您还在等什么呢?赶紧开户,入金,并索取31%的赠金奖励吧!


2023-08-09 03:08

Do you know that the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) has a fascinating nickname – the "Kiwi"? It’s still commonly referred to as "Kiwi" in the forex and financial world. This nickname has become a widely recognized term among traders, analysts, and enthusiasts when discussing the currency. But why Kiwi? It's a tale involving a certain bird and let’s find out why! The Kiwi Bird's Debut: Imagine the scenic wonders of New Zealand, where a bird called the Kiwi struts its stuff. This flightless friend has won the hearts of the locals with its unique charm. Now, let's leap into the world of money matters. In the forex market, currencies go by symbols like $ and €. But what about the NZD? Well, there's a fun twist to that story! A Coincidental Connection: Back in the day, coins in New Zealand proudly displayed the kiwi bird. And here's where it gets cool: the New Zealand Dollar earned the playful nickname "Kiwi." Why? Because that bird on the coins sparked a clever idea that everyone embraced. Feathered Friend's Legacy: So, here's the scoop on why the New Zealand Dollar became the "Kiwi." A bird on the coins led to a fun nickname for the currency. It's like giving your money a cute and catchy identity! Next time you spot "NZD" on your forex charts, remember that behind those letters lies a bird with a big impact. Just like our own stories, currencies have their tales that add a dash of excitement. Who knew a bird could make currency trading so much more interesting? Don't miss this special offer! Boost your trading power and explore new opportunities Join now and let's celebrate National Day together. - Duration: 1st August 2023 - 31st August 2023 - The 31% rebate will be given in the form of USD$155 cashback in the trading account - T&C apply *VC Plus is a true one-stop web platform for you to trade currencies, commodities & more! No mobile apps are required! VC Plus platform now offers a Demo account so that all users can familiarize themselves with platform operations and try out different trading strategies before engaging in live trading. Hurry and click here to open your Demo account now! Facebook: VC-Plus Instagram: vc_plus


2023-08-01 01:44

What is Contract for Difference (CFD)? Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative product that allows traders to speculate on the price movements of underlying assets such as stocks, indices, commodities, and forex. CFD trading does not require owning the underlying asset; traders only need to focus on the price fluctuations of the underlying asset. Traders favor CFDs for the following main reasons Leverage Effect: As a Contract for Difference (CFD) is a leveraged product, it allows traders to control positions of much larger size with only a fraction of the capital required. This increases the efficiency of capital utilization, but it also proportionally amplifies the associated risks. Two Ways Trading: Since CFDs enable traders to take both long (buy) and short (sell) positions, there are trading opportunities regardless of market trends. Extended Trading Hours: CFD trading can take place almost at any time during weekdays, and some CFDs even offer trading opportunities over the weekends. Hedging Tool: If one holds the underlying asset, they can use corresponding CFD positions to hedge against risks. Large Trading Volume: CFDs are highly favored by traders worldwide, and as traders from different regions engage in trading at various times, the trading volume remains consistently high. Traders also need not worry about the dilemma of selling at a high price but finding no buyers. Diverse Variety: CFDs encompass a wide range of financial products, including stocks, indices, forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and more. When trading CFDs, traders are not limited to specific types of assets, allowing them to execute their trading strategies based on their respective areas of expertise and maximize their profit potential. Although Contract for Difference (CFD) offers numerous benefits to traders, we cannot overlook its risks. The main risk associated with CFDs is that they belong to the category of leveraged products. While leverage allows traders to gain larger profits with a smaller capital investment, it is a double-edged sword. In other words, it can also amplify the trader's losses beyond their initial capital, leading to potential significant losses. To mitigate these risks, it is essential for traders to first familiarize themselves with how the platform calculates spreads and margin calls. By understanding these mechanisms, traders can better manage their risks and minimize potential losses. It is crucial to exercise caution, use risk management strategies, and only trade with funds that one can afford to lose. VC Plus platform now offers a Demo account so that all users can familiarize themselves with platform operations and try out different trading strategies before engaging in live trading. Hurry and click here to open your Demo account now!


2023-07-25 01:19

The forex market can be exciting but also full of challenges. However, don't worry - we've got you covered! No need to be a trading expert - these tips are easy to understand and apply. In this blog, we'll share five simple technical tips to help you maximize your Forex profits in 2023 and beyond. Master Candlestick Patterns Follow Moving Averages Explore Relative Strength Index (RSI) Try Fibonacci Implement Pivot Points Master Candlestick Patterns Think of candlestick patterns as secret codes on the charts. Learn popular patterns like doji, engulfing, and hammer. They tell you when the market might change direction, helping you decide when to enter and exit trades. Follow Moving Averages Moving averages are like trusty guides on your forex journey. Use simple ones like SMA or EMA to spot price trends and essential levels. Consider using longer SMAs for identifying long-term trends and support/resistance levels. And shorter EMAs can help you catch quick price movements and identify short-term trends. Combining different moving averages can give you a clearer picture of where the market is heading. Explore Relative Strength Index (RSI) The RSI is like a heartbeat monitor for the market. It tells you when things are getting too high (overbought) or too low (oversold). Understanding RSI can help you find potential trend reversals, making your trades more profitable. It gives a number between 0 and 100. When the RSI is above 70, it means prices went up quickly and might reverse down soon (overbought). When the RSI is below 30, it means prices went down rapidly and might bounce back up soon (oversold). Keep an eye on RSI's direction compared to the price; if they move differently, it could signal a potential price change. When the price goes down (lower lows), but the RSI goes up (higher lows), it's called a bullish divergence, suggesting a possible upward price move. On the other hand, when the price goes up (higher highs), but the RSI goes down (lower highs), it's called a bearish divergence, suggesting a possible downward price move. Try Fibonacci Fibonacci retracement levels may sound fancy, but they're pretty neat! They show you where price corrections might end and trends might start again. It's like finding hidden treasure on the charts! Click here to understand more about Fibonacci. Implement Pivot Points Feeling lost in the forex sea? Pivot points are your navigational stars! They show you important levels that the market might bounce from. They are significant price levels calculated from the previous day's high, low, and closing prices. They act as support and resistance zones on charts. If the price breaks above a resistance level, it may continue rising. If it breaks below a support level, it may continue falling. Pivot points help identify potential turning points in the market, making them useful for finding entry and exit points in your trades. Conclusion You don't need to be a trading genius to succeed in forex. These five easy technical tips will help you make smarter trading decisions in 2023. Master candlestick patterns, follow moving averages, understand the RSI, try Fibonacci retracement, and use pivot points for guidance. Try out different trading strategies in a VCPlus demo account before using real money. With these simple techniques, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the forex market and increase your profits. Demo account with the technical chart on VCPlus, a reliable global trading platform. Sign up for free. Open a Forex account with VC Plus today, and grab a guaranteed US100$ Welcome Bonus (T&C apply)


2023-07-12 07:55

作为一名合格的交易员,掌握图表模式是必不可少的技能。通过了解不同的图表模式,我们能够更准确地判断未来价格走势的方向,从而极大地提高交易的成功率。图表模式指的是在一段时间内蜡烛的走势,这种走势往往遵循一定的模式。作为交易者,我们必须学习并记住不同模式之间的特征,然后在分析蜡烛图时找出相符的模式。此外,我们还必须记住,图表的走势是由成千上万的交易者的买卖所形成的,因此它代表了所有交易者背后的情绪。这也意味着图表并非百分之百准确,当图表模式被打破时,我们必须果断退出交易。 除了图表模式之外,我们还可以利用交易量来提高胜率,通过交易量的大小,我们可以了解到所有交易者的买卖意愿。例如,当一个价格走势按照图表模式进行构建,但是交易量却没有达到模式所要求的水平时,交易者就需要小心观察这个图表是否是一个陷阱。 接下来,我们将分享几个最常见的图表模式,它们的特征以及需要注意的事项。 1. 头肩型 - 下跌趋势 价格形成一个"山"字型的走势,并且成交量逐渐减少,这是构成头肩顶模式的典型特征。jj价格在创下高点后遭遇阻力,未能继续创新高,而成交量也因为交易者逐渐担心而逐渐减少,这是典型的下跌信号。特别是,如果将两个低点(颈部)连接成一条线(颈线),一旦价格下跌突破该线,并且在反弹时无法突破该线,表示原来的支撑线已经转变为阻力线,价格的下跌趋势得到确认。 2. 倒头肩型 - 上升趋势 图形与头肩顶完全相反的是头肩底模式,也称为反转头肩形态。在头肩底模式中,成交量在价格下跌时相对缩小,而在价格上涨势头强劲时迅速扩大。 这种图形所代表的意义与头肩顶完全相反,预示着价格可能上涨。 3. M型 / 双顶形态 - 下跌趋势 这类图形有人称之为"M"型或者双顶形态。 在这种形态中,真正的主顶并不明显,而是出现两个或多个顶,它们的高度相差不大,有时甚至无法突破前一个顶的高度。 如果观察时结合成交量图,当价格上涨时成交量逐渐减少,而在下跌时成交量增加,或者在价格向上冲关时,每波的成交量都比前一波弱,这时价格已经明确表示"我累了,需要休息一段时间"。 需要特别指出的是,两个顶之间的距离越远,加强了判断的准确性。 4. W型 / 双底形态 - 下跌趋势 这种图形有人称之为"W"型,与"M"图形完全相反,预示着价格有良好的前景。 如果成交量的变化图与价格图相吻合,即在价格上涨时成交量增加,在价格下跌时成交量减少,那就是典型的"W"底图形。 5. 矩形图形 - 向上突破上升趋势,向下突破下跌趋势 价格持续在某一价位范围内徘徊,一旦突破上下限,同时成交量也相对配合扩大,这表示价格将进入另一个领域。 6. 三角形图形 - 向上突破上升趋势,向下突破下跌趋势 这种图形又称为旗形图。价格的波动幅度逐渐减小,最终发展到阻力线和支撑线的交点,并面临向上或向下突破的决策。如果价格向上突破,并且伴随着高成交量,那么价格有望继续上涨。相反,如果价格向下突破,并且成交量增加而非减少,那么价格可能面临风险。 这些图形都是比较常见的主流图形,在了解了它们的形态和特征之后,我们需要学习如何在大量的蜡烛图中找到符合这些特征的图形。熟练的交易者在寻找图形时已经得心应手,因此他们能够快速找到相应的图形,这也意味着他们更容易发现交易机会。要在短时间内发现图形,需要不断地反复练习才能够达到。当然,你也可以先使用模拟账户进行练习,以提高对图形的敏感度。 如果你还没有模拟账户,欢迎点击开户来创建一个模拟账户,以便能够练习你的交易操作。