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2023-03-31 03:07

What is Forex trading? Forex trading is buying and selling different currencies to make money. On the foreign exchange market, you can buy and sell currencies like you can buy and sell stocks on the stock market. Currencies, like USD/JPY or EUR/USD, are traded. When you buy a currency pair, you buy the base currency and sell the quote currency. The exchange rate between two currencies tells us how much each is worth. The foreign exchange market is a global market where currencies are traded 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Markets are not centralized, so there is no one place where all trades happen. Instead, traders from all over the world can join the market through their computers or mobile phones. It’s also important to identify whether a broker is legit and regulated before you deposit funds into it! VC Plus is a legit broker that allows you to trade forex, crypto, etc. Opening an account with VC Plus (free) VC Plus is a trustworthy one-stop web-based platform, a member of FINTRAC Sign up free VC Plus account Tools and strategies Forex traders use a wide range of tools and strategies to help them make trading decisions based on facts. Technical analysis is carried out by using charts and indicators to find patterns and trends in the market. Fundamental analysis examines economic data and news to determine what a currency is worth. Trading strategies might sound challenging to understand at first. VCPlus can make the process much easier by providing trading strategies that automatically generates buy and sell signals for you in just 1 click. Trading strategies on VC Plus will generate buy and sell signals Auto sell signals on VC Plus. Sign up and try it for free The risks There are risks in forex trading, and it's important to know what they are before you start. Some of these risks are the volatility of the market, the use of leverage, broker risk, and psychological challenges. Verdict In short, forex trading is all about buying and selling currencies to make money. It happens on the global foreign exchange market, where pairs of currencies are traded. Traders use various tools and methods to help them make good trading decisions. There are risks in forex trading, so it's important to know what they are before you start. Continue reading more about 5 common mistakes for forex beginners here! Open a forex account with VC Plus today and grab a guaranteed US100$ Welcome Bonus (T&C apply) VC Plus provides a demo account. Therefore you can try it before you begin your actual trade!


2023-03-23 07:07

在上一篇文章中我们解释了6种不同的挂单方式,点击查看上一篇 所以这篇文章中,我们将会展示如何在VC Plus的交易平台上使用这些操作 Buy Limit(买入限价) 操作原理: 预判支撑位,布局支撑点做多,反弹赚差价 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得这个价格达到蓝色线的支撑点后就会一直反弹,这时候你就要使用 Buy Limit。然后我们的目标支撑点是 132.425。 然后你只需要4个步骤就能挂单Buy Limit 步骤1:点击 B 步骤2:选择 Limit 步骤3:输入支撑位价格,我们目标支撑位是132.425,这里我们稍微放高一些 132.45,可以凭着个人喜好下单在目标支撑位附近 步骤4: 点击 Buy 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Buy Limit,然后只需要等着市价碰到挂单价就会直接完成单子了。 Buy Stop (买入停损) 操作原理: 预判阻力位,布局阻力点做多,追涨赚趋势 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得这个价格达到蓝色线的阻力点后就会一直反弹,这时候你就要使用 Buy Stop。然后我们的目标阻力点是 1.067。 然后也只需要4个步骤就能挂单Buy Stop 步骤1:点击 B 步骤2:选择 Stop 步骤3:输入阻力位价格,这里我们输入 1.0675 步骤4: 点击 Buy 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Buy Stop,然后只需要等着市价碰到挂单价就会直接完成单子了。 Sell Limit (卖出限价) 操作原理: 预判阻力位,布局阻力点做空,回落赚差价 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得这个价格达到蓝色线的阻力点后就会回落,这时候你就要使用 Sell Limit。然后我们的目标阻力点是 0.8770。 需要4个步骤就能挂单Buy Stop 步骤1:点击 S 步骤2:选择 Limit 步骤3:输入阻力位价格,这里我们输入 0.87675 步骤4:点击 Sell 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Sell Limit,然后只需要等着市价碰到挂单价就会直接完成单子了。 Sell Stop(卖出停损) 操作原理: 预判支撑位,布局支撑点做空,杀跌赚趋势 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得这个价格达到蓝色线的支撑点后就会继续往下跌,这时候你就要使用 Sell Stop。然后我们的目标阻力点是 1.067。 需要4个步骤就能挂单Sell Stop 步骤1:点击 S 步骤2:选择 Stop 步骤3:输入支撑位价格,这里我们输入 1.0675 步骤4:点击 Sell 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Sell Stop,然后只需要等着市价碰到挂单价就会直接完成单子了。 Buy Stop Limit (买入停损限价单) 操作原理: 预判波段,上升趋势遇回调,提前布局支撑位,回调结束继续涨 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得当股价达到绿色线的阻力点时就会回落至支撑点,然后触碰到支撑点时就会反弹向上。这时候你就要使用 Buy Stop Limit。然后我们的阻力点是 0.87720,目标支撑点是0.87455。 Stop Limit 会需要5个步骤来执行 步骤1:点击 B 步骤2:选择 Limit 步骤3:输入阻力点价格,这里我们输入 0.8766在Price 步骤4:输入目标支撑位,这里我们输入 0.87455在 Stop Limit 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Buy Stop Limit,当市价触碰到Price(阻力点价格)时,系统就会帮你把多头单子挂在目标支撑位(Stop Limit) 等待成交。之后就只需要等价格回调,单子就能完成了 Sell Stop limit (卖出停损限价单) 操作原理: 预判波段,下降趋势遇反弹,提前布局阻力位,反弹结束继续跌 跟着上图为例子,如果你觉得当股价达到线的支撑点时就会反弹至阻力点,然后触碰到阻力点时又会向下回落。这时候你就要使用 Sell Stop Limit。然后我们的支撑点是 1.3657,目标阻力点是1.3695。 5个步骤来执行Stop Limit 步骤1:点击 S 步骤2:选择 Limit 步骤3:输入支撑点价格,这里我们输入 1.3657在Price 步骤4:输入目标支撑位,这里我们输入 1.3695在 Stop Limit 完成以上步骤后你就成功挂单Sell Stop Limit,当市价触碰到Price(支撑点价格)时,系统就会帮你把空头单子挂在目标阻力位(Stop Limit) 等待成交。之后就只需要等价格回升,单子就能完成了。 学习了全部步骤,就该轮到自己进行实践课程以便能得心应手的挂单。赶紧注册一个户口然后使用Demo Account进行练习!


2023-03-15 07:07

To succeed in the forex market, it’s not enough to just rely on luck or gut but a well-thought-out trading plan is required. This blog will offer helpful tips to assist you in developing a profitable trading strategy that minimizes risk while maximizing profits! Trading objective Trading style Trading strategy Risk tolerance Review and revise Trading objective Before entering a trade, always define your trading objectives. Your objectives should be clear, measurable, attainable, timely, and relevant. Setting a goal of making a 10% profit on a specific trade within the next 7 days is a good example. Once it reaches 10% you will take the profit, this is to prevent being overly greedy causing you to lose money in the end. Trading style Next, selecting a trading style that suits your personality, lifestyle, and goals is important. It’s critical to determine your trading style, whether you prefer scalping, day trading, swing trading, or position trading. A mismatch between trading styles will increase the difficulty of trading like it’s impossible for a 9 to 5 employee to do scalping. Trading strategy A trading strategy that matches your goals and trading style can be chosen easily after determining your trading style. All three are viable options: price action, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis. Using auto trading strategies in MTDesk and VC Plus, such as EMA 5 Crossover, Turtle Strategy, MACD, and RSI can help you simplify the process and trade more confidently. You can test your trading strategy on a demo account (available on VC Plus) before implementing it to identify any flaws and make any necessary adjustments. MTDesk has incorporated various trading strategies that are popular among fund managers into the system enabling traders to identify potential opportunities easily. Sign up for a free account to run and backtest the trading strategies to increase your winning chances. Risk tolerance Defining your risk tolerance will be the subsequent step to ensure that your trading strategy is consistent with it. Trading rules should cover all aspects of your trading activity, such as entry and exit points, position sizing, risk management, and trade timing. Review and revise Finally, the forex market is always volatile, so you should review and revise your trading strategy regularly. After each trade, you will need to go over your trading plan and make any necessary changes. Verdict A successful trading strategy is critical. It will assist you in remaining focused, minimizing risk, and maximizing profit. Steps mentioned above can help you to create a profitable trading strategy and achieve your trading objectives. Start your trading journey with VC Plus today. Open a free trading account USD100$ Welcome Bonus Info


2023-03-08 09:51

What does a trading platform mean for a trader? A good trading platform can make trading easier for the trader. Therefore, traders always seek a trading platform that is trustworthy, user-friendly, full of information and has professional customer service, among other features. To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools, if you want to have a good trade, you must also use the best platform. Here is the reason why you should sign up for a VC Plus account as your trading platform. Legit Broker VC Plus is a true one-stop web-based platform regulated by FINTRAC. As shown in the image on the VC Plus website, it is clearly indicated that it is regulated by FINTRAC. This means that VCPlus's registered details can be found on FINTRAC's official website. Click here to learn how to identify a legit broker. Wide variety of products The VC Plus platform provides various types of products, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrency. The wide variety of products is suitable for traders to trade at any time with different strategies. For instance, a trader can make a profit from a bull or bear market by using long or short positions on the index. Alternatively, a trader can use the hedging strategy to protect their investments from uncertain risks. Therefore, the wide variety of products has increased the opportunities for traders. Numerous features The VC Plus platform provides a wealth of features for traders, including indicators, text, simple shapes, lines, crooked lines, and more. These features enable investors to draw support and resistance lines, mark with a flag, or add different indicators to increase the accuracy of trend forecasts. Additionally, the platform offers buy/sell signals with backtesting, which uses big data from historical trends and AI to capture buy/sell signals. The backtesting generates a signal result with a rating to determine whether it is a good signal to follow. Web-based platform In early October 2022, Apple removed the mobile versions of the MT4 and MT5 trading platforms from its App Store, allegedly due to non-compliance with guidelines by the developers of the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile apps. VC Plus users do not have to worry about this issue since trading on VC Plus is done through the website. Free to access demo account A demo account is very useful for traders, especially beginners. Through a demo account, a trader can learn to familiarize themselves with the system without any cost. Experienced traders can use the demo account to explore different strategies since different financial products require different strategies. Step to open the demo account Professional Support group VC plus’s customer service team comprises highly professional, experienced, and dedicated individuals who provide each customer with personalized and high-quality support. The team of professionals is dedicated to delivering top-quality solutions to address urgent customer service needs. Know more details, kindly contact VC Plus Jayden: +6012-799 7131 Guarantee $100 USD Welcome Credit Open a VC Plus trading account and deposit a minimum of US$ 500 to receive a US$ 100 Welcome Credit, with a 20% guaranteed return even before commencing trades. This return exceeds that of fixed deposits, which typically range from 3-5% depending on the country and tenure. 100/500 X 100% = 20% (Guarantee Return) Click here to Open Account, Deposit Funds, Grab Reward The products provided by VC Plus are of top quality, from security to practicality, and most importantly, customer experience and benefits. Therefore, there is no reason why one should refuse to open an account with VC Plus to begin their trading journey.


2023-02-28 04:26

A successful trading mindset is critical for traders seeking long-term success in the financial markets. Trading is a mentally and emotionally taxing activity, and traders who lack the right mindset can easily fall into common traps that hinder their performance and profitability. To be a successful trader, you need to prioritize the following key elements of a successful trading mindset: Discipline Patience Emotional control Risk management Continuous learning Discipline A disciplined trader will stick to their trading plan even in volatile or unpredictable market conditions. If you can be disciplined, then you are less likely to make emotional decisions and more likely to make rational decisions based on your trading strategies. Using auto trading strategies in MTDesk and VC Plus, such as EMA 5 Crossover, Turtle Strategy, MACD, and RSI can help traders trade more confidently. Sign up for a free account to use auto trading strategies now. Patience Patience is an essential component of a successful trading mindset. A patient trader waits for the right trading opportunity to present itself and avoids trading rashly. Traders who are patient are less likely to succumb to FOMO (fear of missing out) and are more likely to wait for the optimal entry and exit points. Try to use backtest analysis to check the success rate first before entering a trade, this will increase your win rate in trading. Run backtest analysis in 1 click, try for free today Emotional control Fear, greed, and anxiety can all cloud judgment and lead to irrational trading decisions. Even in stressful situations, a trader with emotional control can manage his or her emotions and keep a clear head in order to succeed by making rational trading decisions. Risk management Risk management is critical for traders who want to avoid blowing out their positions and keep their profits in the long run. Traders can prioritize risk management and engage with it over time by using stop-loss orders, position sizing, and other risk mitigation strategies. Stop loss feature on VC Plus Continuous learning Financial markets are constantly changing, and successful traders must learn and adapt to new market conditions, trading strategies, and techniques on a regular basis. Traders who have a growth mindset and a thirst for knowledge are more likely to be successful in the long run. There are many free trading classes and videos available on the internet that can help you to gain more trading knowledge, try visiting MQ Demy or MQ Event for more trading-related content for free. Overall You will improve your win rates in trading if you prioritize these elements. It takes time and effort to develop a strong trading mindset, but it’s a worthwhile investment if you want to be a successful trader. In fact, trading is more than just analysis and research; it is also about rational decision-making and emotional management! Start your trading journey with VC Plus today. Open a free trading account USD100$ Welcome Bonus Info


2023-02-21 08:31

什么是挂单 挂单就是交易员在下单前根据不同情况与自身要求设置单子。当这些单子达到执行价后,系统便会自动执行止盈或止损来进行关单。 这类挂单功能对于交易员来说有几个好处。首先,外汇,指数与大宗商品之类的交易产品会有较大的波动,有了挂单功能后,交易员就能在交易前就提前制定交易计划然后只需要使用挂单功能让系统自动执行,这样能使得交易者不必频繁地跟踪现价。再来,就如上述所说期货交易的频率会比较快且量大,挂单功能能让交易避免于来不及出售单子的窘境。因为所有要求都是在下单前设置好的,所以只要触碰到执行价,系统就会自动执行,交易员也不需要手忙脚乱关闭单子。 挂单的种类 由于挂单的种类有6种,所以很容易劝退新手使用这个功能。但是如果学会了如何使用挂单功能,你的交易操作便能得心应手。至于为什么更得心应手,道理很简单,使用工具做事自然更能事半功倍。 在这里,我们会用最浅白的方式来介绍这6种挂单功能,它们分别是: Buy Limit(买入限价) Buy Stop (买入停损) Sell Limit (卖出限价) Sell Stop (卖出停损) Buy Stop Limit (买入停损限价单) Sell Stop limit (卖出停损限价单) Buy Limit (买入限价) Buy Limit 的单子挂在买价的下方。这个挂单的操作情况是当你觉得价格抵达支撑位时就会反弹,所以你便在支撑位开始下单做多来赚取反弹后的差价。 **操作原理: 预判支撑位,布局支撑点做多,反弹赚差价 Buy Stop (买入停损) Buy Limit 的单子必须挂在买价的上方。这个挂单的操作情况是当你觉得价格突破阻力位时就会反弹,所以你便在阻力位上方开始下单追涨。 **操作原理: 预判阻力位,布局阻力点做多,追涨赚趋势 Sell Limit (卖出限价) Sell Limit 的单子必须挂在卖价上方。这个挂单的操作情况是当你觉得价格抵达阻力位时就会回落,所以你便在阻力位上方开始下单做空来赚取回落造成的差价。 **操作原理: 预判阻力位,布局阻力点做空,回落赚差价 Sell Stop (卖出停损) Sell Limit 的单子必须挂在卖价下方。这个挂单的操作情况是当你觉得价格跌破支撑位时就继续下跌,所以你便在支撑位下方开始下单杀跌。 **操作原理: 预判支撑位,布局支撑点做空,杀跌赚趋势 Buy Stop Limit (买入停损限价单) Buy Stop Limit 的单子必须挂在买价上方。这个挂单是Buy Limit 与Buy Stop的结合策略,操作情况是当价格冲上去时,你觉得价格会先经历一波回调至支撑位然后再反弹往上涨。 **操作原理: 预判波段,上升趋势遇回调,提前布局支撑位,回调结束继续涨 Sell Stop limit (卖出停损限价单) Sell Stop Limit 的单子必须挂在卖价下方。这个挂单是Sell Limit 与Sell Stop的结合策略,操作情况是当价格往下跌时,你觉得价格会先经历一波反弹至阻力位然后会回调再继续往下跌。 **操作原理: 预判波段,下降趋势遇反弹,提前布局阻力位,反弹结束继续跌 总而言之,以上的六种挂单方法都必须根据不同的场景来进行调整,交易员必须预测走势再利用相应的挂单方式来进行操作。 道理是听明白了,接下来就到实践的部分了。赶紧到VCPlus注册一个Demo账号来进行挂单操作。这样你就能完全掌握这6种挂单的技巧。 下一篇,我们将会直接使用VCPlus上的挂单设置来进行讲解。